
As a teenager I must confess to a keen longing for a motorcycle. Why exactly I wanted to straddle an engine and rocket down the street with minimal external protection I can't really explain, but I wanted a Ninja 250 like nobody's business.

Luckily I only got a taste of bikes on my uncle's Buell, and that was only that one time. Who knows the catastrophic flaming death I would've had had I ventured farther into the world of two-wheeled vehicles. Maturing aside, I love a good example of quirky imaginative design and had to pass this on.

This is the NightShadow (and unnamed bull-version) by Massow Concept Cycles.

Nifty concept vehicles that actually drive are always fun, especially when so design-y and slick (super-high gloss paint ftw). The Jaguar also has the interesting detail of its headlamp in the mouth of the beast, though it looks a bit ridiculous in motion. Whether thats because I feel like such a slick machine should be driven by someone more... je ne sais quoi.. or because of the design itself is hard to tell.


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