So for the first time in the ~3 months that I've lived in this apartment, I cleaned. I mean sure the place has been dusted off and picked up but I spent my night bleaching, scrubbing and dusting the place into submission like never before. I feel like every place you live in needs a good floor to ceiling scrubbing relatively soon after moving in. That way you can be sure that the build up of dirt and grime accumulating during the rest of your residency is your own, not someone else's. It's less disgusting when it's your own dirt.
Well now that the process is over, I felt it deserved photo documentation. And since no one but my parents and the few poor souls who helped me move in have even step foot inside it I feel like I should share it with someone! Who better than the anonymous masses of the interwebs! Thus I bring you, Casa de Jessington.
Living Room:
Dining Room: (complete with missing bowl currently residing in the dishwasher!)
My bathroom also contains some of my niftier things, which I've chosen to share with you as well.
These include my super-awesome plastic grass toothbrush holder, the World's Best Nightlite, and some frightening man on a postcard courtesy of my cousin's trip to Korea.
And there you have it, the briefest of tours through my tiny but superb apartment. Maybe now that I've cleaned I'll get around to painting and Blik-ing... the less clutter on the floor the more obnoxious the bare walls become. And since only a select few (IE: family members) have seen what you've just seen that makes us almost like family now! So uh, can I borrow 50 bucks?
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