Belated: Holidays, Jobs, Things not yet done

These past few weeks have been a ridiculous flurry of happenings and commitments, but lateness aside I am actually updating again (lucky you, all two of you who might read this!). Before I jump into it I have to confess it's extremely difficult to blog with music rambling on in the background and since I have no control over it at this time please forgive me if this turns into an incoherent jumble of thoughts.

I'll start with my knitting since I have to assume one of the only people that might actually read this will be 'M' (named changed to protect the paranoid innocent <3). Unfortunately there's not much to report on this topic. I had intentions of finishing the scarf I was working on before the holidays came and went (perhaps gift it to my unsuspecting mother instead of something she actually wanted) but alas, other things have kept me from being too ensconced in yarn. I'm hoping once the new year is finally rung in I'll get back into it more. There just aren't enough hours in the day lately and to be honest I've yet to find yarn nearly enticing as the prospect of sleeping an extra hour. Good intentions foiled by lethargy? Check.

More excitingly though I've managed to finish my christmas shopping before Christmas Eve! While shopping I even managed to pick up a few goodies for myself (I'm doing it wrong, aren't I?).

Said goodies include my shiny new camera, a Pentax K-x DSLR. What's more, it's white! Suck it pretentious "professional" cameras and your monotonous, snoody black cases. My 'prosumer' camera looks like a stormtrooper and there's nothing you can do to stop it. So far it's been a dream to play with, though its action has been limited. I'm hoping to get at least some indiscriminatingly bad candid shots of my poor family during the holidays (here's looking at you Lauren).
I also stumbled upon the fantastic website/publication house McSweeney's (via Coolhunting - aka the best blog in town) during my online shopping adventures and ordered myself a plethora of their quarterly publications. Thus far I've only delved into my first one (13, the comic edition) but I'm already tempted to purchase a subscription for myself. Perhaps after the holidays once my bank account has been replenished a bit.
Other things I purchased that I can freely mention here without fear of giving away surprises include a plethora of tidbits from Liddabit and two tickets to go see Brian Regan live for my parents (their favorite comedian, am I the best daughter or what?)

Speaking of sugary goodness there's nothing like the holidays to make you want to bake, and that's precisely what I'll be doing tomorrow. Being the aforementioned good-daughter I'm planning on helping my mother in her pursuit of all things pastry, though what we'll be making is still a mystery to me. Maybe if I ever update my blog again I'll include pictures of the process, but don't hold your breath.
In addition to said cookies, I ventured out on my own this year and attempted to make truffles all by my lonesome. The process was actually easier than I expected it to be and they turned out fairly decent, though after reading the comments and rolling them into little balls myself it was plain to see they would need some sort of outer coating to prevent them from melting at room temperature (instead of the wussy light dusting of cocoa powder as suggested in the recipe). This is where my downfall began; the chocolate I chose to coat them with (a baking chocolate different from the semi-sweet dark chocolate I used for the ganache) melted well at first but then somehow cooked itself into a strangely dense mass before I could coat too many of them. Obviously I did something wrong, or just chose the wrong type of chocolate to do it with, and was left with 20 or so incomplete truffles centers in my fridge. I've decided possibly just melting down some chocolate chips or something would do the trick (they solidify pretty well and don't turn into some strange abomination of chocolate if heated improperly) but I've yet to complete this process. With the right ingredients I could see them being very good.

I still haven't painted my wall or put up my Blik's and I'm beginning to feel guilty about that. Maybe I'll clean my apartment one of these days, paint, and sticker away. And now that I have a camera who knows, maybe I'll even take pictures of the whole thing once I'm done.
Work is going well despite a bout of stress-induced insomnia courtesy of a certain production director who shall remain nameless and, despite the festering loneliness of living alone in a town seemingly impossible to meet people in, the home-front is peachy as well. The holidays are here after all, what's there to complain about?

Weekend Update!

It may be obvious by now that I'm not exactly a great blogger. The masses would be disappointed in me! Luckily I have very few followers and I'll have to go ahead and make a disclaimer that this will probably only be updated once a week (and that will more than likely be during the weekend).
Pneumonia kept me home this weekend but not all was lost. I learned to knit from my very patient and generous friend 'M' Saturday afternoon. She spent a solid four hours teaching me how to cast-on, knit, purl, ribbing, and casting off. Then sent me packing with a skein of yarn and two very fashionable red aluminum needles to practice. All in all I find it pretty enjoyable, and I've gotten the hang of it pretty quickly! Check out my handywork thus far:

Right now I'm just sort of stitching with no real rhyme or reason other than to practice the technique but I think I may be ready to graduate on to actually creating something! Now what to make..

Besides my amazing knitting abilities I discovered another plus to being stuck at home: Going to Montreal next weekend. You see, next weekend Cupcake Camp will be in town. And with a name like Cupcake Camp I don't really need to explain how deliciously fantastic this upcoming weekend will be.
So all in all it was a productive weekend and what started out as a bit of a downer turned out to be better off in the end. Don't you just love happy endings?

Oh, and watch this space for a very eminent change. I'll be converting this long convoluted blog name into my own dot com very shortly. Til next weekend!

Oh, hello

So I've decided to blog like the rest of the known universe, huzzah! Here you'll find a bevy of things you didn't know you cared about or simply wished you never knew from my everyday life. So lets get on it with it!

This weekend in the life of Jess:

  • Finished editing a promotional poster for DCS. They're giving away a 46" Toshiba HDTV to anyone willing to walk into their local Lia dealership and fill out an entry form. Brought said poster files to Staples this afternoon to get them printed and found out that it'd cost upwards of $750 to get all 14 printed on normal poster paper (yikes!) so I did what any thrifty advertiser would do: got it printed on bond (see: very thin) paper and will be mounting it on foamcore myself. Just got the call an hour ago (who knew Staples was open that late?) that they're done. Picking up and assembling tomorrow! Here's hoping they remembered to print the right quantities of each poster..
  • Went shopping! Spent three hours after work yesterday with my mom scouring Crossgates Mall for stylish warm clothes. Got the world's greatest jacket and scarf (do I belong in a JCrew catalog or what?), two skirts (:gasp!:), some sweaters and miscellaneous office wear for work. Went back today for some fantastic, super-cute boots from Macy's and a random smattering of cosmetics from Sephora. /endgirlrant

Still to do:

  • Paint! With the new apartment shaping up I need to get to work on putting up my Bliks but I can't start until I get my painting done.
  • Blog, Blog, Blog. Besides the personal blog I've finally got going here I'm working on another, design-centric, blog. Must create before the weekend ends...
  • Figure out all the quirks of Blogo. So far its a very, -very- easy to use blogging app for Macs, highly recommended from my limited blogging experience!

Check back for more blogging funtimes!