Weekend Update!

It may be obvious by now that I'm not exactly a great blogger. The masses would be disappointed in me! Luckily I have very few followers and I'll have to go ahead and make a disclaimer that this will probably only be updated once a week (and that will more than likely be during the weekend).
Pneumonia kept me home this weekend but not all was lost. I learned to knit from my very patient and generous friend 'M' Saturday afternoon. She spent a solid four hours teaching me how to cast-on, knit, purl, ribbing, and casting off. Then sent me packing with a skein of yarn and two very fashionable red aluminum needles to practice. All in all I find it pretty enjoyable, and I've gotten the hang of it pretty quickly! Check out my handywork thus far:

Right now I'm just sort of stitching with no real rhyme or reason other than to practice the technique but I think I may be ready to graduate on to actually creating something! Now what to make..

Besides my amazing knitting abilities I discovered another plus to being stuck at home: Going to Montreal next weekend. You see, next weekend Cupcake Camp will be in town. And with a name like Cupcake Camp I don't really need to explain how deliciously fantastic this upcoming weekend will be.
So all in all it was a productive weekend and what started out as a bit of a downer turned out to be better off in the end. Don't you just love happy endings?

Oh, and watch this space for a very eminent change. I'll be converting this long convoluted blog name into my own dot com very shortly. Til next weekend!

Oh, hello

So I've decided to blog like the rest of the known universe, huzzah! Here you'll find a bevy of things you didn't know you cared about or simply wished you never knew from my everyday life. So lets get on it with it!

This weekend in the life of Jess:

  • Finished editing a promotional poster for DCS. They're giving away a 46" Toshiba HDTV to anyone willing to walk into their local Lia dealership and fill out an entry form. Brought said poster files to Staples this afternoon to get them printed and found out that it'd cost upwards of $750 to get all 14 printed on normal poster paper (yikes!) so I did what any thrifty advertiser would do: got it printed on bond (see: very thin) paper and will be mounting it on foamcore myself. Just got the call an hour ago (who knew Staples was open that late?) that they're done. Picking up and assembling tomorrow! Here's hoping they remembered to print the right quantities of each poster..
  • Went shopping! Spent three hours after work yesterday with my mom scouring Crossgates Mall for stylish warm clothes. Got the world's greatest jacket and scarf (do I belong in a JCrew catalog or what?), two skirts (:gasp!:), some sweaters and miscellaneous office wear for work. Went back today for some fantastic, super-cute boots from Macy's and a random smattering of cosmetics from Sephora. /endgirlrant

Still to do:

  • Paint! With the new apartment shaping up I need to get to work on putting up my Bliks but I can't start until I get my painting done.
  • Blog, Blog, Blog. Besides the personal blog I've finally got going here I'm working on another, design-centric, blog. Must create before the weekend ends...
  • Figure out all the quirks of Blogo. So far its a very, -very- easy to use blogging app for Macs, highly recommended from my limited blogging experience!

Check back for more blogging funtimes!