It may be obvious by now that I'm not exactly a great blogger. The masses would be disappointed in me! Luckily I have very few followers and I'll have to go ahead and make a disclaimer that this will probably only be updated once a week (and that will more than likely be during the weekend).
Pneumonia kept me home this weekend but not all was lost. I learned to knit from my very patient and generous friend 'M' Saturday afternoon. She spent a solid four hours teaching me how to cast-on, knit, purl, ribbing, and casting off. Then sent me packing with a skein of yarn and two very fashionable red aluminum needles to practice. All in all I find it pretty enjoyable, and I've gotten the hang of it pretty quickly! Check out my handywork thus far:
Right now I'm just sort of stitching with no real rhyme or reason other than to practice the technique but I think I may be ready to graduate on to actually creating something! Now what to make..
Besides my amazing knitting abilities I discovered another plus to being stuck at home: Going to Montreal next weekend. You see, next weekend Cupcake Camp will be in town. And with a name like Cupcake Camp I don't really need to explain how deliciously fantastic this upcoming weekend will be.
So all in all it was a productive weekend and what started out as a bit of a downer turned out to be better off in the end. Don't you just love happy endings?
Oh, and watch this space for a very eminent change. I'll be converting this long convoluted blog name into my own dot com very shortly. Til next weekend!